Online Admission for 2025 - 2026

Rules & Regulations

1.Every pupil must posses a School Diary, which must be brought to school daily, failing which he may not be admitted to class. The school diary should be kept neat and tidy. All remarks should be signed upto date as it is a record as well as an identity book of the pupil.

2.Every student must come to school in full regular uniform with the School Diary on all school days including test and examination days. Exception to wearing of the uniform may be made on the birthday of the pupil or on occasions specified by the Principal.

3.Shoes must be regularly cleaned and polished.

4.Hair and nails must be neatly maintained and trimmed regularly.

5.Pupils should take care of their books and belongings.

6.All students are expected to take part in co-curricular activities of the school as part of their education. Every pupil should belong to one of the social, cultural or literary associations of the school.

7.School games and exercises are compulsory for all except in case of exemption by medical authority.

8.As a rule, only English should be spoken in the school premises in order to obtain a command over spoken English. Defaulters of the rule of language will have to attend remedial class in the evening from 3.30 pm to 4.20 pm.

9.Tests and examinations should be taken on the specified days. No separate tests will be conducted for absentees.

10.Note books will be checked periodically. Students are responsible for submitting the note books, at the specified time, in a neat manner.

11.Pupils should not wear nor bring valuables to school.

12.Cell phones, C.D.’s and other electronic gadgets, objectionable literature through certain books and magazines should not be brought to school. If cell phones or other electronic gadgets are seized, they will not be returned.

13.Chewing-gum is banned in the school premises.

14.Purchase of food articles from roadside vendors is prohibited.

15.Irregular attendance, habitual negligence, cheating of any kind, and serious misconduct are sufficient reasons for punishment or even dismissal from the school.

16.Dyeing of hair, French beard, wearing of earings, and any form of undesirable style is strictly banned. Any student deliberately violating the rule will be suspended.

17.Pupils should not come to school riding on two wheelers (motorbikes/scooters) by themselves.